Thursday, October 2, 2008


夏に、私と友達はテレビショーをプロデュースした。このショーはNYU学生の生活についてのDramedyだった。スタイルはEntourageとSex and the Cityのに似てた。私たちのビジネスプランはHulu(オンラインのテレビネットワーク)にライセンスするのだった。六月に私のとても豊かな友達が“このショーはとてもよかったら、私は貢ぎたい”と言った。私は”よかった!”と思った。あとで、文筆家を三人とアソシエートプロデューサを二人雇った。コロンビアとNYUの学生だった。オーディションが四回行った。毎日、私たち12時間ぐらい働いた。8月までには、もうパイロットエピソードがあった。でも、出資者はお金をまだくれなかった。8月の初めに、”すみません、貢ぎなくなった”と言った。理由を言わなかった。それで、私たちはショーをやめなければならなかった。とても残念だったね.私たちは至極びっくりした。どうしてされたか?全然わからない。あの日は、今まで一番悪かった日だった。しかし、来年他の出資者を見つかれば、私たちは必ずもう一度このショーをプロデュースする。

Monday, September 22, 2008


大学の前に、ニュージャージーに住んでいた。私の町はおもしろい事があまりなかったから、時々週末に友達とニューヨークに来ていた。ニューヨークはアメリカの一番にぎやかな町だ。一番いい美術館やレストランや店もある。そして、緩い規則があるバーがたくさんある。たとえば、コロンビア大学のちかくの”Abbey Pub"。ここで、IDがあまり要らないから、中学生は大好きだ。


Tuesday, September 9, 2008



Monday, October 22, 2007


今週のMajor East Asian Textsのクラスの宿題は源氏物語です。源氏物語はとても長い本で、先生は端折ったバージョンを宿題にした。源氏物語はとてもおもしろいですよ。そして、まあまあ難しいです。The characters do not have any names (apparently, members of the court during the Heian period did not address each other by given names, but rather by rank or station), so it's very hard to keep track of who's who--especially because all the characters are having affairs with each other.源氏物語をよんだら、平安時代に生きればすげえおもしろいと思う。

Thursday, October 18, 2007



Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Good Podcast

I've never made a podcast before, and I'm not very familiar with how they are used. But it seems like it's just a way to present sound and video programs to an audience on the internet.

I actually have a nice video camera (Canon GL2) that I could use to make video podcasts. I think it would be interesting to go to an area of NYC with a large Japanese population and interview them, using whatever Japanese we know. Or perhaps, if this can't be done, then we could interview Japanese students at Columbia. Questions might include: why did you choose to come to New York City for university; do you plan to live in America after you graduate; what are some cultural problems you've had here; have you made many American friends. Since we are only beginners in Japanese and our pronunciation/grammar is bound to be full of errors, I think we should make sure to keep the podcasts somewhat humorous. If they are intended for Japanese university students who are curious about life at an American university, then perhaps we could film some uniquely American/New York City scenes that would surprise a Japanese who hasn't been to America.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007



Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A good blog

A good blog must first of all contain at least one entry per week. As for the content of each entry, I think that a mix of Japanese and English would be ideal. In English, the writer could express honest thoughts about Japanese class, or just write about his interests, hobbies, etc. He could also write about conversations with Japanese friends or how he practices Japanese outside class. If he has the ability to write a sentence in Japanese instead of English, he should do so. As we progress through our lessons, blog posts would gradually increase in Japanese content and decrease in English content. A good post in Japanese might also contain Japanese vocabulary or grammar not learned in class, which Fukai-sensei could comment on and correct if necessary. And of course, a good blogger would comment often on his classmates' blogs so that we can practice written Japanese correspondence.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

